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Security Command Reference
Command Hierarchies
Configuration Commands
Security Commands
copy {user source-user | profile source-profile} to destination [overwrite]
hash-control [read-version {1 | 2 | all}] [write-version {1 | 2}]
application app [ip-int-name | ip-address]
application6 app ipv6-address
LLDP Commands
tx-interval interval
Management Access Filter Commands
default-action {permit | deny}
[no] entry entry-id
action {permit | deny | deny-host-unreachable}
description description-string
dst-port value [mask]
[no] log
protocol protocol-id
router {router-instance}
src-ip {ip-prefix/mask | ip-prefix netmask}
src-port {port-id | cpm | lag lag-id }
src-port old-entry-number new-entry-number
renum old-entry-number new-entry-number
default-action {permit | deny | deny-host-unreachable}
[no] entry entry-id
action {permit | deny | deny-host-unreachable}
description description-string
dst-port value [mask]
[no] log
next-header next-header
router {router-instance}
src-ip {ip-prefix/mask | ip-prefix netmask}
src-port {port-id | cpm | lag lag-id }
renum old-entry-number new-entry-number
default-action {permit | deny}
[no] entry entry-id
action {permit | deny | deny-host-unreachable}
description description-string
[no] log
match frame-type frame-type
cfm-opcode {lt | gt | eq} opcode
cfm-opcode range start end
dot1p dot1p-value [dot1p-mask]
dsap dsap-value [dsap-mask]
dst-mac ieee-address [ieee-address-mask]
etype 0x0600..0xfff
snap-oui {zero | non-zero}
snap-pid snap-pid
src-mac ieee-address [ieee-address-mask]
ssap ssap-value [ssap-mask]
svc-id service-id
renum old-entry-number new-entry-number
CPM Filter Commands
default-action {accept | drop}
[no] entry entry-id
action [accept | drop | queue queue-id]}
description description-string
log log-id
match [protocol protocol-id]
dscp dscp-name
dst-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask | ip-prefix-list prefix-list-name}
dst-port [tcp/udp port-number] [mask]
fragment {true | false}
icmp-code icmp-code
icmp-type icmp-type
ip-option [ip-option-value] [ip-option-mask]
multiple-option {true | false}
option-present {true | false}
port port-number
port -list port-list-name
port-range start end
src-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask | ip-prefix-list prefix-list-name}
src-port[src-port-number] [mask]
tcp-ack {true | false}
tcp-syn {true | false}
renum old-entry-id new-entry-id
[no] entry entry-id
action [accept | drop | queue queue-id]}
description description-string
log log-id
match [next-header next-header]
dscp dscp-name
dst-ip ipv6-address/prefix-length
dst-ip ipv6-prefix-list ipv6-prefix-list-name
dst-port [tcp/udp port-number] [mask]
dst-port port-list port-list-name
dst-port range tcp/udp port-number tcp/udp port-number
fragment {true | false}
hop-by-hop-opt {true | false}
icmp-code icmp-code
icmp-type icmp-type
port tcp/udp port-number [mask]
port port-list port-list-name
port range start end
router service-name service-name
router router-instance
src-ip [ipv6-address/prefix-length] [ipv6-prefix-list ipv6-prefix-list-name]
src-port [src-port-number] [mask]
tcp-ack {true | false}
tcp-syn {true | false}
renum old-entry-id new-entry-id
[no] entry entry-id
action [accept | drop | queue queue-id]}
description description-string
log log-id
match [frame-type frame-type]
cfm-opcode {lt | gt | eq} opcode
cfm-opcode range start end
dsap dsap-value [dsap-mask]
dst-mac ieee-address [ieee-address-mask]
etype 0x0600..0xfff
src-mac ieee-address [ieee-address-mask]
ssap ssap-value [ssap-mask]
svc-id service-id
renum old-entry-number new-entry-number
CPM Queue Commands
[no] queue queue-id
cbs cbs
mbs mbs
rate rate [cir cir]
CPU Protection Commands
link-specific-rate packet-rate-limit
policy cpu-protection-policy-id [create]
no policy cpu-protection-policy-id
[no] alarm
description description-string
eth-cfm entry entry levels levels opcodes opcodes rate packet-rate-limit
out-profile-rate packet-rate-limit
overall-rate packet-rate-limit
per-source-rate packet-rate-limit
port-overall-rate packet-rate-limit
[no] protocol-protection [allow-sham-links]
Refer to the OS Services Guide and the Multi-Service ISA Guide for command, syntax, and usage information about applying CPU Protection policies to interfaces.
CPU protection policies are applied by default (and customer policies can be applied) to a variety of entities including interfaces and SAPs. Refer to the appropriate guides (See Preface for document titles) for command syntax and usage for applying CPU protection policies. Examples of entities that can have CPU protection policies applied to them include:
configure>router>interface>cpu-protection policy-id
configure>service>epipe>sap>cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring]|[eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
configure>service>epipe>spoke-sdp>cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring]|[eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
configure>service>ies>interface>cpu-protection policy-id
configure>service>ies>interfac>sap>cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring]|[eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
configure>service>template>vpls-sap-template>cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring]|[eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
configure>service>vpls>sap>cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring]|[eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
configure>service>vpls>video-interface>cpu-protection policy-id
configure>service>vprn>interface>cpu-protection policy-id
configure>service>vprn >interface>sap>cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring]|[eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
configure>service>vprn>network-interface>cpu-protection policy-id
configure>service>vprn>subscriber-interface>group-interface>sap>cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring]|[eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
configure>subscriber-mgmt>msap-policy>cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring ]
Distributed CPU Protection Commands
policy policy-name [create]
description description-string
[no] local-monitoring-policer policer-name [create]
[no] description “description-string”
rate {packets {ppi | max} within seconds [initial-delay packets] | kbps {kilobits-per-second | max} [mbs size] [bytes|kilobytes]}
exceed-action {discard | low-priority | none}
[no] log-events [verbose]
protocol name [create]
exceed-action {discard [hold-down seconds] | low-priority [hold-down seconds] | none}
log-events [verbose]
rate {packets {ppi | max} within seconds [initial-delay packets] | kbps {kilobits-per-second | max} [mbs size] [bytes|kilobytes]}
enforcement {static policer-name | dynamic {mon-policer-name | local-mon-bypass }}
static-policer policer-name [create]
no static-policer policer-name
description description-string
exceed-action {discard [hold-down seconds] | low-priority [hold-down seconds] | none}
log-events [verbose]
rate {packets {ppi | max} within seconds [initial-delay packets] | kbps {kilobits-per-second | max} [mbs size] [bytes|kilobytes]}
config card x fp y
[no] dynamic-enforcement-policer-pool number-of-policers
Password Commands
Security Password Commands
admin-password password [hash | hash2]
aging days
attempts count [time minutes1] [lockout minutes2]
authentication-order [method-1] [method-2] [method-3] [exit-on-reject]
[no] complexity [numeric] [special-character] [mixed-case]
[no] health-check [interval interval]
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Commands
ca-profile name [create]
cert-file filename
key password [hash|hash2] reference reference-number
no key reference reference-number
cmp-url url-string [service-id service-id]
crl-file filename
description description-string
responder-url url-string
service service-id
verify-cert filename [allow-override]
verify-cert ca-cert [allow-override]
clear-ocsp-cache [entry-id]
display type {cert|key|crl|cert-request} url-string format {pkcs10|pkcs12|pkcs7-der|pkcs7-pem|pem|der} [password [32 chars max]]
export type {cert|key|crl} input filename output url-string format output-format [password [32 chars max]] [pkey filename]
gen-keypair url-string [size {512|1024|2048}] [type {rsa|dsa}]
gen-local-cert-req keypair url-string subject-dn subject-dn [domain-name [255 chars max]] [ip-addr ip-address] file url-string
import type {cert|key|crl} input url-string output filename format input-format [password [32 chars max]]
reload type {cert|key} filename
Profile Commands
Profile Commands
[no] profile user-profile-name
default-action {deny-all | permit-all | none}
[no] entry entry-id
action {deny | permit}
description description-string
security command-string
renum old-entry-number new-entry-number
RADIUS Commands
RADIUS Commands
access-algorithm {direct | round-robin}
port port
retry count
server server-index address ip-address secret key [hash | hash2]
no server server-index
timeout seconds
SSH Commands
SSH Commands
[no] version SSH-version
TACPLUS Commands
TACACS+ Commands
accounting [record-type {start-stop | stop-only}]
server server-index address ip-address secret key [hash | hash2] [port port]
no server server-index
timeout seconds
User Commands
User Commands
[no] user user-name
[no] access [ftp] [snmp] [console] [li]
login-exec url-prefix::source-url
member user-profile-name [user-profile-name…(up to 8 max)]
no member user-profile-name
home-directory url-prefix [directory] [directory/directory…]
password [password] [hash | hash2]
[no] rsa-key “public-key-name” key-id
authentication {[none] | [[hash] {md5 key-1 | sha key-1 } privacy {none|des-key|aes-128-cfb-key key-2}]}
group group-name
User Template Commands
user-template {tacplus_default | radius_default}
[no] access [ftp] [console]
login-exec url-prefix:source-url
home-directory url-prefix [directory][directory/directory..]
profile user-profile-name
Dot1x Commands
Dot1x Commands
retry count
server (dot1x) server-index address ip-address secret key [port port]
source-address ip-address
timeout seconds
Keychain Commands
TCP Enhanced Authentication Commands
[no] keychain keychain-name
description description-string
direction {uni | bi}
entry entry-id key [authentication-key | hash-key | hash2-key] [hash | hash2] algorithm algorithm
begin-time [date] [hours-minutes] [UTC] [now] [forever]
tolerance [seconds | forever]
entry entry-id key [authentication-key | hash-key | hash2-key] [hash | hash2] algorithm algorithm
begin-time [date] [hours-minutes] [UTC] [now] [forever]
end-time [date][hours-minutes] [UTC] [now] [forever]
tolerance [seconds | forever]
entry entry-id key [authentication-key | hash-key | hash2-key] [hash | hash2] algorithm algorithm
begin-time [date] [hours-minutes] [UTC] [now] [forever]
receive option-number
send option-number
TTL Security Commands
ttl-security min-ttl-value
ttl-security min-ttl-value
ttl-security min-ttl-value
Login Control Commands
Login Control Commands
idle-timeout {minutes | disable}
motd {url url-prefix: source-url | text motd-text-string}
pre-login-message login-text-string [name]
Show Commands
access-group [group-name]
authentication [statistics]
ip-filter [entry entry-id]
ipv6-filter [entry entry-id]
mac-filter [entry entry-id]
cpm-queue queue-id
eth-cfm-monitoring [ {service-id service-id sap-id sap-id} | {service-id service-id sdp-id sdp-id:vc-id} ]
excessive-sources [service-id service-id sap-id sap-id]
policy [policy-id] association
violators [port] [interface] [sap] [video] [sdp]
policy [policy-id] [association detail]
keychain keychain-name [detail]
ip-filter [entry entry-id]
ipv6-filter [entry entry-id]
mac-filter [entry entry-id]
profile [user-profile-name]
user [user-name] [detail]
user [user-name] lockout
view [view-name] [detail]
ca-profile name [association]
ocsp-cache [entry-id]
Login Control
Clear Commands
statistics [interface ip-int-name | ip-address]
CPM Filter
ip-filter [entry entry-id]
ipv6-filter [entry entry-id]
mac-filter [entry entry-id]
CPU Protection
violators [port] [interface] [sap]
Clear CPU Stats
cpm-queue queue-id
Clear RADIUS Proxy Server
radius-proxy-server server-name statistics
Debug Commands
radius [detail] [hex]
[no] ocsp
[no] ocsp profile-name
Tools Commands
violators enforcement {sap|interface} card slot-number [fp fp-number]
violators local-monitor {sap|interface} card slot-number [fp fp-number]
release-hold-down interface interface-name [protocol protocol] [static-policer name]
release-hold-down sap sap-id [protocol protocol] [static-policer name]