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QoS Queue Group Template Command Reference
Command Hierarchies
Configuring Egress Queue Group Templates
queue-group queue-group-name [create]
no queue-group queue-group-name
description description-string
policer fc-name [create]
no policer fc-name
queue queue-id
policer policer-id [create]
no policer policer-id
adaptation-rule pir {max | min | closest}] [cir {max | min | closest}]
adv-config-policy policy-name
description description-string
cbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
high-prio-only percent-of-mbs
mbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
parent {root | arbiter-name} [level level] [weight weight-within-level]
percent-rate percent-of-line-rate [cir percent-of-line-rate]
rate {max | kilobits-per-second} [cir {max | kilobits-per-second}]
stat-mode {no-stats | minimal | offered-profile-no-cir | offered-priority-no-cir | offered-limited-profile-cir | offered-profile-cir | offered-priority-cir | offered-total-cir | offered-profile-capped-cir | offered-limited-capped-cir}
queue queue-id [queue-type] [create]
no queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
adv-config-policy adv-config-policy-name
burst-limit size-in-kbytes
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
parent scheduler-name [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
percent-rate percent-of-line-rate [cir percent-of-line-rate]
pool pool-name
port-parent [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
packet-byte-offset [policy slope-policy-name]
packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
Configuring Ingress Queue Group Templates
description description-string
queue-group queue-group-name [create]
no queue-group queue-group-name
policer policer-id [create]
adaptation-rule [pir {max | min | closest}] [cir {max | min | closest}]
cbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
description description string
high-prio-only percent-of-mbs
mbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
parent {root | arbiter-name} [level level] [weight weight-within-level]
percent-rate percent-of-line-rate [cir percent-of-line-rate]
rate {max | kilobits-per-second} [cir {max | kilobits-per-second}]
stat-mode {no-stats | minimal | offered-profile-no-cir | offered-profile-cir | offered-total-cir}
queue queue-id [multipoint] [queue-type] [queue-mode] [create]
no queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
burst-limit size-in-kbytes
mbs size-in-kbytes
parent scheduler-name [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
pool pool-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
rate pir-rate police
Show Commands
queue-group [queue-group-name] [ingress | egress] [association | detail]
queue-group summary
sap-egress [policy-id] [association | match-criteria| hsmda | detail]
sap-ingress [policy-id] [association | match-criteria| hsmda | detail]
pools mda-id[/port] [access-app [pool-name | service service-id | queue-group queue-group-name]]
pools mda-id[/port] [network-app [pool-name | queue-group queue-group-name]]
pools mda-id[/port] [direction [pool-name|service service-id | queue-group queue-group-name]]
port port-id queue-group [ingress | egress] [queue-group-name][{statistics | associations}]
Monitor Commands
For more information about monitor commands, refer to the 7750 SR OS Basic System Configuration Guide for command usage and CLI syntax.
card slot-number fp fp-number ingress {access | network} queue-group queue-group-name instance instance-id [ingress] [access | networks] [interval seconds ][repeat repeat] [absolute | rate] [arbiter root | name]
port port-id egress network queue-group queue-group-name instance instance-id [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate] [arbiter root | name]
port port-id queue-group queue-group-name [ingress | egress] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate] [access | network] [instance instance-id]