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Tools Command Reference
Command Hierarchies
Configuration Commands
Tools Dump Commands
Tools Dump Commands
aps aps-id [clear]
aps mc-aps-signaling [clear]
aps mc-aps-ppp [clear]
lag lag-id lag-id
ldp-treetrace {prefix ip-prefix/mask| manual-prefix ip-prefix/mask}[path-destination ip-address] [trace-tree]
map-to-phy-port {ccag ccag-id | lag lag-id | eth-tunnel tunnel-index}{ isid isid [end-isid isid] | service service-id | svc-name [end-service service-id | svc-name]} [summary]
deterministic-mapping outside-ip ipv4-address router router-instance outside-port [1..65535]
histogram router router-instance pool pool-name bucket-size [1..65536] num-buckets [2..50]
resources mda mda-id
sessions [nat-group nat-group-id] [mda mda-id] [protocol {gre|icmp| tcp|udp}] [inside-ip ip-address] [inside-router router-instance] [inside-port port-number] [outside-ip ipv4-address] [outside-port port-number] [foreign-ip ipv4-address] [foreign-port port-number] [dslite-address ipv6-address] [wlan-gw-ue ieee-address] [next-index index] [upnp]
submgt [record record-key]
port port id
pcs [clear]
ppp port-id
mc-endpoint peer ip-address
mc-ring peer ip-address [ring sync-tag]
srrp-sync-database [instance instance-id] [peer ip-address]
sync-database [peer ip-address] [port port-id | lag-id] [sync-tag sync-tag] [application application] [detail] [type type]
router router-instance
fec p2mp-id identifier root ip-address
fec prefix ip-address[/mask]
fec root ip-address source ip-address group mcast-address [rd rd]
fec vc-type vc-type vc-id vc-id
interface [ip-int-name | ip-address]
peer ip-address
session [ip-addr[:label-space] [connection|peer|adjacency]
timers [session ip-addr[label-space]]
ftn [endpoint endpoint | sender sender | nexthop nexthop | lsp-id lsp-id | tunnel-id tunnel-id | label start-label end-label]
ilm [endpoint endpoint | sender sender | nexthop nexthop | lsp-id lsp-id | tunnel-id tunnel-id | label start-label end-label]
lspinfo [lsp-name] [detail]
te-lspinfo [endpoint ip-address] [sender ip-address] [lspid lsp-id] [detail] [p2p | p2p-tid tunnel-id]
te-lspinfo [endpoint ip-address] [sender ip-address] [lspid lsp-id] [detail] [p2p | p2p-tid tunnel-id]{ [phops] [nhops] [s2l ip-address] } }
tp-tunnel lsp-name [clear]
tp-tunnel id tunnel-id [clear]
free-tunnel-id start-range end-range
abr [detail]
asbr [detail]
bad-packet interface-name
leaked-routes [summary | detail]
memory-usage [detail]
request-list [neighbor ip-address] [detail]
request-list virtual-neighbor ip-address area-id area-id [detail]
retransmission-list [neighbor ip-address] [detail]
retransmission-list virtual-neighbor ip-address area-id area-id [detail]
route-table [type] [detail]
iom-failures [detail]
psb [endpoint endpoint-address] [sender sender-address] [tunnelid tunnel-id] [lspid lsp-id]
rsb [endpoint endpoint-address] [sender sender-address] [tunnelid tunnel-id] [lspid lsp-id]
tcsb[endpoint endpoint-address] [sender sender-address] [tunnelid tunnel-id] [lspid lsp-id]
static-route ldp-sync-status
http-client [ip-prefix/mask]
base-stats [clear]
iom-stats [clear]
l2pt-diags detail
mc-endpoint mc-ep-id
radius-discovery [svc-id service-id]
system-resources slot-number
Tools Perform Commands
Tools Perform Commands
clear aps-id {protect | working}
exercise aps-id {protect | working}
force aps-id {protect | working}
lockout aps-id
request aps-id {protect | working}
stop [action-name] [owner action-owner] [all]
customer customer-id [site customer-site-name]
filter filter-type [filter-id]
service id service-id [sap sap-id]
tod-suite tod-suite-name
clear-force lag-id lag-id [sub-group sub-group-id]
clear-force peer-mc ip-address
force all-mc {active | standby}
force lag-id lag-id [sub-group sub-group-id] {active | standby}
force peer-mc peer-ip-address {active | standby}
downgrade target-version target [reboot]
force-switchover tunnel-group local-group-id [now] [to {master|standby}]
sync-database-reconcile [peer ip-address] [port port-id|lag-id [sync-tag sync-tag]] [application application]
router [router-instance]
recalc policy policy-name [bundle bundle-name] protocol {igmp|pim} interface interface-name
group tunnel-group-name
[no] drain
tunnel tunnel-name
[no] drain
peer ip-address [udp-port port]
[no] drain
sessions stop connection-id
tunnel connection-id
[no] drain
adjust-autobandwidth [lsp lsp-name [force [bandwidth mbps]]]
cspf to ip-addr [from ip-addr] [bandwidth bandwidth] [include-bitmap bitmap] [exclude-bitmap bitmap] [hop-limit limit] [exclude-address excl-addr [excl-addr...(up to 8 max)]] [use-te-metric] [strict-srlg] [srlg-group grp-id...(up to 8 max)] [exclude-node excl-node-id [excl-node-id ..(up to 8 max)]] [skip-interface interface-name] [ds-class-type class-type] [cspf-reqtype req-type] [least-fill-min-thd thd] [setup-priority val] [hold-priority val]
resignal lsp lsp-name path path-name delay minutes
resignal {p2mp-lsp p2mp-lsp-name p2mp-instance p2mp-instance-name | p2mp-delay p2mp-minutes}
trap-suppress number-of-traps time-interval
clear {lsp-name | id tunnel-id}
force {lsp-name | id tunnel-id}
manual {lsp-name | id tunnel-id}
lockout {lsp-name | id tunnel-id}
ospf [ospf-instance]
refresh-lsas [lsa-type] [area-id]
run-manual-spf externals-only
ospf3 [ospf-instance]
refresh-lsas [lsa-type] [area-id]
run-manual-spf externals-only
authentication-server-check server-address ip-address [port port] { {user-name DHCP client user name password password } | attr-from-file file-url } secret key [source-address ip-address] [timeout seconds] [router router-instance | service-name service-name]
eval-pw-template policy-id [allow-service-impact]
id service-id
endpoint endpoint-name
force-switchover sdp-id:vc-id
force-switchover spoke-sdp-fec [1..4294967295]
eval-pw-template policy-id [allow-service-impact]
mcac sap sap-id recalc policy policy-name [bundle bundle-name]
mcac sdp sdp-id:vc-id recalc policy policy-name [bundle bundle-name]
spoke-sdp-fec-release global-id[:prefix[:ac-id]]
edit-lease-state sap sap-id ip ip-address [subscriber sub-ident-string] [sub-profile-string sub-profile-string] [sla-profile-string sla-profile-string]
edit-lease-state svc-id service-id ip ip-address [subscriber sub-ident-string] [sub-profile-string sub-profile-string] [sla-profile-string sla-profile-string]
eval-lease-state [svc-id service-id] [sap sap-id] [subscriber sub-ident-string] [ip ip-address]
forcerenew svc-id service-id {ip ip-address[/mask]>|mac ieee-address}
forcerenew {interface interface-name | sap sap-id|sdp sdp-id:vc-id} [ip ip-address[/mask] |mac ieee-address]
re-ident-sub old-sub-ident-string to new-sub-ident-string
remap-lease-state old-mac ieee-address mac ieee-address
remap-lease-state sap sap-id [mac ieee-address]