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IP Tunnel Command Reference
Configuration Commands
Hardware Commands
card slot-number
mda mda-slot
mda-type isa-tunnel
ISA Commands
tunnel-group tunnel-group-id [create]
no tunnel-group tunnel-group-id
backup mda-id
description description-string
mda mda-id
[no] mda
primary mda-id
reassembly [wait-msecs]
IPSec Commands
ike-policy ike-policy-id [create]
no ike-policy ike-policy-id
auth-algorithm auth-algorithm
auth-method {psk | plain-psk-xauth | cert-auth | psk-radius | cert-radius | eap}
description description-string
dh-group {1 2 | 5 | 14 | 15}
dpd [interval interval] [max-retries max-retries] [reply-only]
encryption-algorithm {des | 3des | aes128 | aes192 | aes256}
ike-mode {main | aggressive}
ipsec-lifetime ipsec-lifetime
isakmp-lifetime isakmp-lifetime
nat-traversal [force] [keep-alive-interval keep-alive-interval] [force-keep-alive]
own-auth-method {psk | cert | eap-only}
pfs [dh-group {1 | 2 | 5}]
ipsec-transform transform-id [create]
no ipsec-transform transform-id
esp-auth-algorithm {null | md5 | sha1| sha256 | sha384 | sha512}
esp-encryption-algorithm {null | des | 3des | aes128 | aes192 | aes256}
[no] static-sa sa-name
authentication auth-algorithm ascii-key ascii-string
authentication auth-algorithm hex-key hex-string [hash|hash2]
description description-string
direction ipsec-direction
protocol ipsec-protocol
spi spi
tunnel-template ipsec template identifier [create]
no tunnel-templateipsec template identifier
description description-string
replay-window {32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512}
transform transform-id [transform-id...(up to 4 max)]
Service Configuration Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
security-policy security-policy-id [create]
no security-policy security-policy-id
entry entry-id [create]
no entry entry-id
local-ip {ip-prefix/prefix-length | ip-prefix netmask | any}
remote-ip {ip-prefix/prefix-length | ip-prefix netmask | any}
Interface Tunnel Commands
ies service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id]
[no] interface ip-int-name [tunnel]
[no] sap sap-id [create]
ip-tunnel ip-tunnel-name [create]
backup-remote-ip ip-address
delivery-service {service-id | svc-name}
description description-string
dscp dscp-name
[no] dest-ip ip-address
ip-mtu octets
reassembly [wait-msecs]
remote-ip ip-address
source ip-address
cert filename
key filename
trust-anchor ca-profile-name
default-secure-service service-id ipsec-interface ip-int-name
default-tunnel-template ipsec template identifier
ike-policy ike-policy-id
local-id {ipv4 | fqdn} [value [255 chars max]]
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
[no] interface ip-int-name [create] [tunnel]
[no] sap sap-id [create]
ip-tunnel ip-tunnel-name [create]
backup-remote-ip ip-address
delivery-service {service-id | svc-name}
description description-string
dscp dscp-name
dest-ip ip-address
ip-mtu octets
reassembly [wait-msecs]
remote-ip ip-address
source ip-address
cert filename
key filename
trust-anchor ca-profile-name
default-secure-service service-id ipsec-interface ip-int-name
default-tunnel-template ipsec template identifier
ike-policy ike-policy-id
local-id {ipv4 | fqdn} [value [255 chars max]]
ipsec-tunnel ipsec-tunnel-name [create]
no ipsec-tunnel ipsec-tunnel-name
bfd-enable service service-id interface interface-name dst-ip ip-address
description description-string
cert filename
key filename
default-result {revoked|good}
primary {ocsp|crl}
secondary {ocsp|crl}
trust-anchor ca-profile-name
ike-policy ike-policy-id
local-id {ipv4 | fqdn} [value [255 chars max]]
transform transform-id [transform-id...(up to 4 max)]
ip-mtu octets
local-gateway-address ip-address peer ip-address delivery-service service-id
security-association security-entry-id authentication-key authentication-key encryption-key encryption-key spi spi transform transform-id direction {inbound|outbound}
no security-association security-entry-id direction {inbound|outbound}
replay-window replay-window-size
security-policy security-policy-id
IPSec Mastership Election Commands
peer ip-address [create]
no peer ip-address
discovery-interval interval-secs [boot interval-secs]
tunnel-group tunnel-group-id [create]
no tunnel-group tunnel-group-id
peer-group tunnel-group-id
priority priority
Related Commands
protocol protocol [all | instance instance]
state state
[no] ipsec
tunnel-group tunnel-group-id sync-tag tag-name [create]
no tunnel-group tunnel-group-id
Show Commands
gateway name name
gateway [service service-id]
gateway tunnel [ip-address:port]
gateway name name tunnel ip-address:port
gateway name name tunnel
gateway tunnel count
tunnel [gre-tunnel-name]
ike-policy ike-policy-id
security-policy service-id [security-policy-id]
static-sa name sa-name
static-sa spi spi
transform [transform-id]
tunnel ipsec-tunnel-name
tunnel-template [ipsec template identifier]
mc-ipsec peer ip-address tunnel-group tunnel-group-id
mc-ipsec peer ip-address
Debug Commands
[no] gateway name name tunnel ip-address[:port]
tunnel ipsec-tunnel-name [detail]
no tunnel ipsec-tunnel-name
Tools Commands
force-switchover tunnel-group local-group-id [now][to {master|standby}]