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Video Command Reference
This section provides a command reference for the CLI commands for IP-TV video applications
Topics include:
IP-TV Command Hierarchies
Hardware Commands
[no] card slot-number
card-type card-type
[no] mda mda-slot
mda-type mda-type
Video Group Commands
lns-group lns-group-id [create]
no lns-group lns-group-id
description description-string
mda mda-id [drain]
no mda mda-id
video-group video-group-id [create]
no video-group video-group-id
description description-string
[no] primary mda-id
resv-ret resv-ret
Video Policy Video Commands
multicast-info-policy policy-name [create]
video-interface ip-address [create]
dent-threshold threshold
fcc-burst burst-percentage
fcc-server [mode {burst | dent | hybrid}]
mc-handover percentage
rt-rate rt-burst-percentage
max-sessions sessions
dent-threshold threshold
fcc-burst burst-percentage
fcc-server [mode {burst | dent | hybrid}]
mc-handover percentage
rt-rate rt-burst-percentage
rt-mcast-reply [count count] [interval milliseconds] [hold-time milliseconds]
rt-payload-type payload-type
rt-rate rt-burst-percentage
dent-threshold threshold
fcc-burst burst-percentage
fcc-server [mode {burst | dent | hybrid}]
mc-handover percentage
rt-rate rt-burst-percentage
Bundle and Channel Commands
multicast-info-policy policy-name [create]
bundle bundle-name [create]
no bundle bundle-name
bw-activity {use-admin-bw | dynamic [falling-delay seconds]} [black-hole-rate kbps]
channel ip-address [ip-address] [create]
no channel ip-address [ip-address]
fcc-channel-type {hd | sd | pip}
fcc-server [disable]
local-rt-server [disable]
rt-buffer-size rt-buffer-size
rt-server disable
rt-server ip-address port port-num
video-group video-group-id
video-group disable
source-override ip-address [create]
fcc-channel-type {hd | sd | pip}
no fcc-channel-type
fcc-min-duration time
no fcc-min-duration
fcc-server [disable]
no fcc-server
local-fcc-port port
no local-fcc-port
local-rt-port port
no local-rt-port
local-rt-server [disable]
no local-rt-server
reorder-audio time
no reorder-audio
rt-buffer-size rt-buffer-size
no rt-buffer-size
rt-server disable
rt-server ip-address port port-num
no rt-server
video-group video-group-id
no video-group
fcc-channel-type {hd | sd | pip}
fcc-server [disable]
local-rt-server [disable]
rt-buffer-size rt-buffer-size
rt-server disable
rt-server ip-address port port-num
source-port port-num
video-group video-group-id
video-group disable
Service Video Interface Commands
VPLS Commands
config>service>vpls service-id
video-interface ip-int-name [create]
no video-interface ip-int-name
[no] address ip-address/mask
cpu-protection policy-id
description description-string
gateway-ip ip-address
video-sap video-group-id
filter ip ip-filter-id
qos egress-qos-policy-id
filter ip ip-filter-id
qos ingress-qos-policy-id
IES Commands
config>service>ies service-id
video-interface ip-int-name [create]
no video-interface ip-int-name
[no] address ip-address/mask
channel mcast-address source ip-address [channel-name channel-name]
no channel mcast-address source ip-address
description description-string
scte35-action {forward | drop}
zone-channel mcast-address source ip-address adi-channel-name channel-name
no zone-channel mcast-address source ip-address
[no] ad-server ip-address
local-address control ip-address data ip-address
description description-string
video-sap video-group-id
filter ip ip-filter-id
qos egress-qos-policy-id
filter ip ip-filter-id
qos ingress-qos-policy-id
VPRN Commands
Note that VPRN service commands are only applicable to the 7750 SR-Series platforms.
config>service>vprn service-id
video-interface ip-int-name [create]
no video-interface ip-int-name
[no] address ip-address/mask
channel mcast-address source ip-address [channel-name channel-name]
no channel mcast-address source ip-address
description description-string
scte35-action {forward | drop}
zone-channel mcast-address source ip-address adi-channel-name channel-name
no zone-channel mcast-address source ip-address
[no] ad-server ip-address
local-address control ip-address data ip-address
description description-string
video-sap video-group-id
filter ip ip-filter-id
qos egress-qos-policy-id
filter ip ip-filter-id
qos ingress-qos-policy-id
Show Commands
video-group [video-group-id]
adi [service service-id] [interface ip-int-name] [address mcast-address] [source ip-address] [detail]
channel [service service-id] [interface ip-int-name] [address mcast-address] [source ip-address] [summary|detail] [pid|config| [analyzer[interval time-interval]]]
session [service service-id] [interface ip-int-name] [address mcast-address] [source ip-address]
splice-status [service service-id] [interface ip-int-name][address mcast-address] [source ip-address] [start-time start-time [interval time-interval]]
channel [service service-id] [interface ip-int-name] [address mcast-address] [source ip-address] [summary | detail]
interface [service service-id] [interface ip-int-name] [stats {rt-server| fcc-server}]
interface [service service-id] [interface ip-int-name] summary
rtp-session [service service-id] [source ip-address] [detail [stats {rt-server | fcc-server}]]
rtp-session [service service-id] summary
Clear Commands
id service-id
session client srcAddr
id service-id
channel all [rt-client] [rt-server] [fcc-server] [ad-insert]
channel grp-address [source srcAddr] [rt-client] [rt-server] [fcc-server] [ad-insert]
interface ip-int-name [address ip-address] rt-client] [rt-server] [fcc-server] [ad-insert]
session all [rt-server] [fcc-server]
session client srcAddr [rt-server] [fcc-server]
isa video-group-id [mda-id]
Debug Commands
[no] service
id service-id
[no] video-interface video-ip-int-name
adi [zone-channel-name]
adi-packet [zone-channel-name] [type {type-name [type-name]|all}]
fcc-server [client client-ip [source-port src-port]]
packet-rx [client client-ip [source-port src-port]] [fcc-join] [fcc-leave] [ret-nack]
packet-tx [group grp-addr [source srcAddr]] [ret-nack]
rt-client [group group-addr]
rt-server [client client-ip [source-port src-port]]
sg [group grp-addr [source src-addr]]